You can able to create your own antivirus within 2 minutes.Yes it is possible through the command prompt.Everyone using the antivirus in their computer mainly for the purpose of detect and remove harmful or unwanted files which may slowdown your computer and windows. But legally antivirus must have license, Otherwise it is ethical.So before you creating your own antivirus or providing to others You need to have a license.
Creating the antivirus is the difficult task, Many big companies will make the team effort and place the expert to create the codings and make more effort in designing the antivirus interface . lot of Malware database are required to create the antivirus.Otherwise you have to buy the antivirus for the lot of amount or for searching in the internet for the long time and take too much time in downloading. if you don’t have enough time to download any best antivirus.But in this article i can make it very simpler,I have the simple tricks to create the own antivirus..This antivirus scan by using command prompt and delete unwanted files automatically.
Recommended article=>How To test AntiVirus Software Detects Virus Correctly or Not Working.
Steps to create your own antivirus
- Open your Notepad and paste this given code
@echo off
title Antivirus
echo Antivirus
echo created by your name
if exist virus.bat goto infected
if not exist virus.bat goto clean
cd C:\Windows\system32
echo warning virus detected
del virus.bat
goto start
echo System secure!
title Antivirus
echo Antivirus
echo created by your name
if exist virus.bat goto infected
if not exist virus.bat goto clean
cd C:\Windows\system32
echo warning virus detected
del virus.bat
goto start
echo System secure!
You can change the “Your name” to your desired name. “warning virus detected” can be change to show a different alert message which will be displayed if any virus is detected in your computer.
- now save your file with technoup2date.bat and select “All files”
- now run your saved files automatically scan starts
- See more at:
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